The iPad mini does receive the new design language+1
Originally, Stephen said it would not receive it.
No in-person WWDC 2021+1
Apple has Apple Silicon versions of all of its Intel Macs on sale by the end of 2021-1
No Intel Macs are available for sale without an Apple Silicon counterpart.
Apple launches at least one iPad model with a new display technology+1
Apple launches ‘AirTags’ accessories for tracking physical objects+1
Apple will release a new programming app for iPad-1
Not Swift Playgrounds
Apple announces a new Mac Pro powered by Apple Silicon0
🔮Predicted 1.4 years ahead of its time.
Came true on June 5, 2023 when Mac Pro with M2 Ultra was announced at WWDC23.
iOS 15 gives users more homescreen customisation options+1
A Mac gets a screen that supports touch and/or Apple Pencil input-1
Apple puts a cheaper display on sale as a sibling to the XDR👎
🔮Predicted 2 months ahead of its time.
Came true on March 8, 2022 when Studio Display was announced.
There will be a chip named M1 followed by a letter👎
The new iPhone will be the 12S, not the 13👎
Apple ships an AR, VR, and/or MR dedicated device👎
No Mac gets a cellular data option💪
The iPod touch is cancelled👎
Apple releases its own game controller👎
iOS gets a native feature to change icons for any app you want👎
Apple releases a bigger iPad Pro👎
At least one new iPhone model has both Face ID and Touch ID👎
WidgetKit supports new widget sizes and more interactivity👎
Another variant of over-ear headphones will be released👎
Apple releases a weather API👎
New Apple TV released💪
iPad multitasking is overhauled again💪
A new iMac has adjustability that is reminiscent of the Pro Display XDR👎
Rickies winner • Annual Chairman • Picked 2nd
2/3 correct
Risky Pick too risky
1 point
Won by coin flip
1/6 correct
16.7% flexing power
Rickies 2nd place • Flexies loser • Picked 3rd
2/3 correct
Risky Pick too risky
1 point
Lost by coin flip
0/5 correct
0% flexing power
Rickies 3rd place • The Duke of Flexington • Picked 1st
1/3 correct
Risky Pick too risky
0 points
2/5 correct
40% flexing power