The Pickies rose from a holiday special hijacked by the Triple J. It has different hosts and different rules.
A MacBook Pro will be updated+6
Apple releases Logic or Final Cut for iPad+4
The Mac mini will get an update+6
There will be a bigger MacBook Air+4
The Mac Pro will finally be introduced+6
Even an Intel Mac Pro counts
Apple will introduce a mixed reality headset+4
Apple will increase the free storage tier for iCloud-0.348
🔄Jason’s coin flipped tails. James gave no point for passion, 1/3 for precision and the wildcard dice roll gave 13% of 1/4pt. A total of 0,365833 points were still awarded for this wrong pick.
Apple releases a new or updated accessory for the iPad+1
Apple will introduce an update to the AirPods Max-0.714
🔄Jason’s coin flipped heads, no regrading.
Apple Arcade will add online multiplayer support for its games0.238
🔄Jason’s coin flipped tails. James gave 1/5pt for passion, 1/4 for precision and the wildcard dice roll gave 81% of 1/4pt. A total of 0,9525 points were still awarded for this wrong pick.
Notes adds linking between notes+2
Apple classical music “thing” finally arrives+2
An Apple executive will be present at the awarding of a trophy for a sporting championship-0.714
🔄Jason’s coin flipped heads, no regrading.
Apple won’t offer the ability to side-load iOS software anywhere in the world in 2023+1
Apple will ship a wireless keyboard that is charged via USB-C0.132
🔄Jason’s coin flipped tails. James gave 1/2pt for passion, 1/3 for precision and the wildcard dice roll gave 5% of 1/4pt. A total of 0,84583333 points were still awarded for this wrong pick.
Another new Apple standalone display will ship-0.714
🔄Jason’s coin flipped heads, no regrading.
Apple will announce their own social network based on the Mastodon protocols-0.714
Based on ActivityPub
Apple will sell their mixed reality headset to consumers by the end of the year-0.714
🔮Predicted 5 weeks ahead of its time.
Came true on February 2, 2024 when Apple Vision Pro went on sale.
Twitter will go bankrupt during 2023-0.714
Apple’s plans to introduce full encryption for iCloud backups will face a legal challenge from the US government-0.714
No new product from Apple will ship with a Lightning connector+1
Dongles don’t count
Pickies winner • Grand Admiral Pickerton • Picked 1st
4/7 correct
12.175476190143 points